It is a blessing to Give and giving to LifeSpring Church couldn’t be easier!
We have many ways to give, most of which are listed below.
- You can now give through churchsuite simply click on the link and you will go straight to our page. Here you can choose under the “my donations are for” where you want to give.
“Tithes and offerings”
“pavilion building fund”
“Jubilee fund” or
“Cafe 12 vouchers”
Again to access please click here - Online: Set up a standing order or bank transfer to LifeSpring Church using our account details:
- Sort Code: 40-38-04
- Account number: 84467582
- Cheque: Make cheques payable to “LifeSpring Church”
- Cash: We also accept cash! Please ensure you use a Gift Aid envelope if applicable.
- Text Giving: Simply send an SMS to
07380 307 800 containing our keyword which is “PAVILION”, followed by the word give, followed by the amount you would like to give.
For example: Pavilion give £10.
Circle Fund Offering
If you would like to give to our circle fund the account is:
- Sort Code: 40-38-04
- Account Number: 25210976
If you are a UK taxpayer, your donation can go much further by signing up to the Gift Aid scheme. It costs you nothing more, but allows us to do much, much more! Click here to fill in a gift aid form.
If you want to give to our Jubilee Fund, please click here